Reactor Pink Foam Marker is a concentrated foam liquid used through foam generating devices to identify broadacre spray swath width while agricultural spraying. Foam Markers are designed for use with agricultural spraying.  Reactor Pink Foam Marker is manufactured from a blend of high-quality Surfactants.
What are some of the situations that can Reactor Pink Foam Marker be used in;
- Pasture
- Broadacre Crops
- Fallow Sprays
- Direct Drilling
What is the rate for Reactor Pink Foam Marker;
- One part Foam Marker to 50-100 parts water – Use at this rate for boom spray foam marking in foam generators. The foam should last approximately 2 hours on the ground in good weather conditions. However, the life span will be affected by hot, dry conditions (over 35°C) when a higher concentration should be used.
- One part Foam Marker to 25-50 parts water – Use at this rate if weather conditions are very hot and dry and above 35°C.
General Instructions:
- Foam Marker Pink is a concentrated foam liquid used to identify broadacre spray swath width through foam generating devices.
Mixing Instructions:
- Fill the tank with 1/3 required water volume, add the Foam Marker and then add the remainder of the water to ensure thorough mixing.
- Use either clean rainwater or water less than 200ppm hardness.
Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans and Environment:
- Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used containers.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
- Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.
Safety Directions:
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length PVC/rubber gloves, and a face shield or goggles when using the product.
- If the product is on the skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water.
- If the product is in the eyes, wash it out immediately with water.
Pack Sizes: 5-Litre & 20-Litre
Reactor Pink Foam Marker Manufacturer:Â PCT Holdings Pty Ltd
william (verified owner)
ok for what i needed not as good as real spray marker
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